Environment in Soldeu and El Tarter
Facing the threats posed to the snow sector and climate change in general, the resorts in Andorra have been working for over two decades to become more sustainable and care for the environment. They have made significant investments to remain leaders in their field.

La nostra política mediambiental va més enllà de la mateixa activitat.
Demanem a proveïdors i subcontractistes que signin el document Respecte ambiental com a compromís en una gestió respectuosa del medi ambient. A més, prioritzem l’ús de materials sostenibles i la preservació dels recursos naturals que fem servir.
L’aigua és un bé preuat i de primera necessitat per a Grandvalira, i per això disposem de diversos sistemes que permeten controlar l’ús d’aquest recurs durant tot l’any i evitar-ne el malbaratament.
Environmental Policy
Our environmental policy goes beyond our core activity:
The snowmaking system optimizes the use of natural resources by leveraging data from sonars installed on grooming machines and GPS mapping of all resort trails. This information reflects the real state of the snow cover and ensures that snow cannons produce, when weather conditions are optimal, only the strictly necessary amount, avoiding water and electricity waste. Furthermore, we contribute to reducing CO₂ emissions into the atmosphere.
In our efforts to reduce CO₂ emissions, 100% of the electricity used in our resort comes from renewable energy sources. The LLUM VERDA label, issued by FEDA and ratified by the Government of Andorra, certifies this commitment.
Grandvalira prioritizes efforts and investments to minimize the visual impact of its facilities. The resort ensures the conservation of mountain ecosystems, including biodiversity. In this regard, we protect wildlife through actions such as marking lift cables to prevent bird collisions, preserving and defending the natural habitat of the capercaillie, a species protected throughout Europe, and collaborating with local farmers to facilitate and safeguard traditional mountain uses.
We also work on revegetating areas of the territory that have been impacted. Some of these efforts involve using native seeds collected by the resort’s own staff, preserved and reintroduced into the landscape.
Three-year revegetation plans for affected areas help maintain the landscape and promote the natural balance of the environment.
All these actions are carried out to preserve the resources surrounding the resort. We have a specific environmental management plan, policies, and procedures aligned with the ISO 14001:2015 standard to achieve these goals.
At Grandvalira Soldeu - El Tarter, we implement an environmental management plan, specific policies, and procedures to achieve our objectives in compliance with the ISO 14001:2015 standard. Additionally, in these sectors, we manage quality to meet the needs and requirements of all stakeholders.
To this end, we hold ISO 9001:2015 certification, ensuring the quality provided to skiers through a set of policies, procedures, and tools specifically designed to meet their expectations.
Risk Prevention
At Grandvalira Soldeu - El Tarter, the ISO 45001:2018 standard governs our Occupational Health and Safety Management System, which addresses aspects related to employee health, well-being, and safety.
We organize regular medical check-ups for employees and invest each season in workplace safety training courses.
Food Safety
The sectors of Soldeu, El Tarter, and Canillo are certified according to the ISO 22000 standard, which aims to guarantee food safety. Additionally, we improve consumer protection and strengthen their trust. We also establish effective management requirements and parameters.
Obtaining this certification publicly demonstrates our commitment to such a sensitive issue as food safety, placing our organization at an advantage over its competitors. Grandvalira is a pioneer and one of the few resorts worldwide to hold this certification.