
What is Nordic Walking?

nordic-walkingIn recent years, the phenomenon of Nordic Walking has really grown, with more and more people realising that this can be a fun activity and also a good way to get fit. There is Nordic Walking for seniors and Nordic Walking for all, so anyone can get involved if they decide they’d like to join in the fun.

What exactly is Nordic Walking?

So, what is Nordic Walking? The International Nordic Walking Federation defines this activity in the following way: “Nordic Walking is a form of physical activity, where regular, natural walking is enhanced by the addition of the active use of a pair of specially-designed Nordic Walking poles. However, the characteristics of natural, biomechanically-correct walking and appropriate posture are maintained in all aspects.”

Still unsure what is Nordic Walking? Well, what the above means is that Nordic Walking is a style of walking that uses poles to mean you can distribute the load better and work out your upper body too. There are incredible health benefits to this, and we’ll get on to those below. 

A brief history of Nordic Walking: Why it's called “Nordic”

As for what is Nordic Walking’s name based on, it’s a simple explanation really. The “Nordic” part of the Nordic Walking term is there because this activity originated in the Nordics, specifically in Finland. There, Nordic Walking technique was practised as a way of training for skiing during the off-season.

The difference between Nordic Walking and regular walking

Incredibly, there is a big difference between Nordic Walking and regular walking, as Nordic Walking has been shown through research to burn more calories and raise your heart rate higher than a regular walk of the same distance. That, therefore, is the main difference.

Why is Nordic Walking better than regular walking?

As for explaining why you can burn many more calories when practising Nordic Walking, it’s the simple fact that you’re also using your arms. Not only do your arms benefit from a reasonable workout if you’re using correct Nordic Walking technique, but correct use of the poles also helps to propel your body forward with greater speed, making for a greater workout. 

Why choose Nordic Walking? The benefits for your body and mind

There are so many Nordic Pole Walking benefits, which is why this is such a popular activity. Here, we’ll outline five main Nordic Walking advantages:

Full-body workout: More muscles engaged

Nordic Walking is, at its essence, a way to more evenly distribute the physical strain of a walk across other parts of the body. While you might think that walking isn’t strenuous, it can be once you reach a certain age or if you’re navigating challenging terrain, such as on an Andorra hiking holiday. Every little helps in these cases, so using your arms to save your legs can be beneficial and also keep more muscles engaged. 

Low-impact exercise: Easy on the joints

Another reason why Nordic Walking is such a popular way to exercise is the fact that it is very easy on the joints. Even when engaging other parts of the body beyond your legs, you’re not putting any one joint under significant stress. At the end of the day, it’s still a walk and one of the most low-impact forms of exercise possible. 

Improved posture and balance

If you do decide to take up Nordic Walking, you’ll want to make sure you are using the poles in the correct way. There are some elements of different types of skiing, such as cross-country skiing, involved in Nordic Walking, but there are also some key differences and correct pole technique is vital. If you do achieve this, though, then you’ll notice incredible benefits for your overall posture and balance.

Cardiovascular health and calorie burn

Because Nordic Walking is a low-impact activity, it is possible to cover large distances. This makes it a great form of cardiovascular exercise and means you can burn off a lot of calories while Nordic Walking. 

Mood boost and stress reduction

Besides the physical benefits of Nordic Walking, there are major mental health advantages too. This is a relaxing activity and, furthermore, it’s one that’s often carried out in social groups. All of this can boost your mood and reduce your overall level of stress, something which has been proven in various studies. 

Nordic Walking for everyone: Beginners, seniors and beyond

It is important to note that Nordic Walking is for everyone. While Nordic Walking for seniors is especially popular, given that it is one of the forms of exercise with the lowest impact on joints, Nordic Walking is also practised by children and adults. Many social centres offer Nordic Walking for beginners sessions, especially in countries where outdoor activities are popular, such as with the outdoor activities of Andorra

Nordic Walking technique: Master the basics

When it comes to correct Nordic Walking technique, the International Nordic Walking Federation highlights three key aspects in order to master the basics: correct posture, correct walking technique and correct use of poles. After a couple of sessions walking with an experienced Nordic Walking group, you’ll easily pick up all three of these elements. 

Can you use regular walking poles for Nordic Walking?

When it comes to which poles to use, there are specialised Nordic Walking poles and it is recommended that you use these. They are designed in way which promotes the correct movements of Nordic Walking, something that can’t be 100 percent achieved if you’re using normal walking poles or ski poles as a substitute.