Environment Pas de la Casa and Grau Roig
Sustainable management and respect for the environment are fundamental pillars. With a focus on innovation and efficiency, initiatives are developed to optimize natural and energy resources and to implement clean technologies and ecological practices. These actions reflect a clear commitment to preserving the environment and continuous improvement.
Environmental Policy
Monitoring of electricity consumption: In a very primary phase. The goal is to monitor the consumption of water, diesel, gas, and temperatures to optimize consumption and efficiency.
Speed control of the ski lifts: The speed is regulated according to the flow of people to minimize consumption.
Waste management: Selective sorting is done at each waste generation point, with collection points and a sorting plant (study phase TEMP. 2025/2026).
Ecological flow control.
Revegetation and reconditioning: Of areas affected by construction work (Piste Ports, Tortuga, Pastora, Pessons, etc.).
Maintenance of ditches and manholes: Channeling rainwater and meltwater to conserve the land.
Hydroseeding: To prevent erosion of the slopes and be environmentally friendly.
Wastewater treatment plants and grease separator: Control and management to discharge water into the natural environment according to environmental regulations.
Solar panels: Installation of photovoltaic panels for self-consumption.
Turbine: Installation for self-consumption.
Electric chargers: We have parking areas with electric chargers, mainly powered by photovoltaic panels.
Use of biodegradable or eco-sustainable products.
Optimization of the vehicle fleet, transportation, and accommodation for staff.
Solar compactors in different dining areas.