General conditions of sale for tourism professionals


NEUS DEL VALIRA, S.A. offers you an online sales service that will allow you to purchase the products/services of GRANDVALIRA RESORTS available on our website. 

This document establishes the "GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE FOR PROFESSIONALS" that regulate the functioning of this Website and the contracting/booking of products/services through, or Use of the Website is subject to acceptance of these GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE FOR PROFESSIONALS. However, if you have any doubts or questions in relation thereto, you can contact our Customer Service team through the following channels:


Contact telephone number: +376 891 800

  1. General contact details
  2. Definitions and purpose
  3. Product and service
  4. User access
  5. Website rules for use
  6. Intellectual and industrial property
  7. Formalisation of the agreement and bookings
    1. 7.1 Prices
    2. 7.2 Booking procedure
    3. 7.3 Booking confirmation
    4. Obtaining of free or discounted passes
  8. Invoicing and payment of products/services
  9. Cancellation policy 
  10. Modification or cancellation of the service by GRANDVALIRA RESORTS or the SERVICE PROVIDER
  11. Complaints and claims
  12. Travel insurance
  13. Ski insurance
  14. Liability and Security of transactions
  15. Customer Service/Mediation services 
  16. Liability
  17. Liability and limitation of liability in relation to links to other websites
  18. Advertising
  19. Personal data protection
  20. Miscellaneous

1. General contact details

In accordance with Law 12/2013 of 13 June on trade, we hereby inform you that this Website,, or (hereinafter, the Website) belongs to: NEUS DEL VALIRA, S.A., [hereinafter, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS] with Tax ID No. (NRT): A706067F, registered in Commercial Register No. 917870Z, and the contact details of which are:

Address: Av. Carlemany, 68 Despacho 401 Edificio Illa Carlemany – AD700 Escaldes-Engordany (Andorra)

Contact telephone number: +376 891 800

2. Definitions and purpose 

The terms used in these conditions have the following meanings:

"User": Any person who browses the website.

“Agency”: Any company that books one or more products/services of those offered on the website for sale to the end customer or consumer.

“End customer or consumer”: Any person who consumes or enjoys the end product/service.

“Service”: Any assistance offered by GRANDVALIRA RESORTS on the Website, such as the booking of passes, accommodation, restaurants, etc.

“Service provider”: Referring to any company offering the service contracted by the Agency, when not offered directly by GRANDVALIRA RESORTS.

“Order”: The contracting of a service through the website.

The purpose of these “GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE FOR PROFESSIONALS” is to provide information with respect to the marketing of the products and services offered to professionals by GRANDVALIRA RESORTS through the Website.

These “GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE FOR PROFESSIONALS” shall apply solely and exclusively to business owners and professionals and shall not under any circumstances apply to people in the capacity of “end consumer”.

For users to be considered a Customer or Agency (hereinafter, the Agency), they must meet the following requirements:

  • They must be a professional and/or business owner, over 18 years of age and with sufficient legal capacity to enter into agreements.
  • They must have registered as a Customer on the Website using the “New customer registration” form. Once the form has been received, it will be validated by GRANDVALIRA RESORTS and we will provide access codes to the “B2B platform” via email once the product and services marketing agreement has been signed.

GRANDVALIRA RESORTS reserves the right to unilaterally modify these “GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE FOR PROFESSIONALS” at any time. In this case, the Agency will be informed by GRANDVALIRA RESORTS. 

These “GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE FOR PROFESSIONALS” include the Website's General Terms and Conditions for Use and also the provisions of the Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy.


3.Product and Service

Through the website, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS acts as the Service Providers' representative and offers the following products/services for sale:

Passes, ski classes, adventure activities, restaurant services, accommodation services and other services present in the domain and subdomains of GRANDVALIRA RESORTS.

The services that can be purchased on the Website may be booked individually or together as part of a service package.


4. User access

Anybody who accesses the Website becomes a user.

Use of the services offered on the Website is free for users, with no commission or cost of any kind just to access the Website, except in relation to the cost of connection using the telecommunications network supplied by the service provider contracted by the user, which shall be borne by said user.


5. Website rules for use

In using the Website, users accept that most of the communication with GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will be electronic (email or notices published on the Website).

Users consent to the use of this electronic means of communication for contractual purposes and recognise that any agreement, notification, information or other communication GRANDVALIRA RESORTS may send electronically complies with the legal requirement to be provided in writing. This condition shall not affect the User rights recognised by the law.

Users can send notifications and/or communicate with GRANDVALIRA RESORTS using the contact details provided in these Conditions and, if applicable, using the contact spaces on the Website. Likewise, unless otherwise stated, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS may contact and/or notify the User via their email address or to the postal address provided.

Users undertake to make reasonable, justified use of the Website's services and comply with the “GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE FOR PROFESSIONALS”. GRANDVALIRA RESORTS reserves the right to limit said use should it deem appropriate. 

The Website is governed by the legislation applicable in Andorra. GRANDVALIRA RESORTS does not guarantee that the Website complies with the legislation of other countries, either completely or partially, and accepts no liability arising from access from said other countries.

The following are strictly forbidden:

  • Use of the GRANDVALIRA RESORTS Website for purposes other than the acquisition of products and/or services.
  • False or fraudulent purchases. If it can reasonably be considered that a purchase of this kind has been made, it may be cancelled in which case the competent authorities would be informed.
  • The publication of offensive content of any kind, be it sexist, racist, defamatory and/or contrary to the legislation in force in Andorra.
  • Slander, abuse, harassment, bothersome, threatening or infringing of the legal rights of others, such as the rights of privacy or advertising.
  • Use of the website for promotional purposes not expressly authorised by the team of GRANDVALIRA RESORTS or the publishing of unauthorised advertising content.
  • Impersonation, with the legal consequences this carries.
  • Dissemination, publication or the requesting of information that promotes the performing of any act that is illegal in the user's jurisdiction, including but not limited to: electronic fraud, SPAM, phishing, spoofing, forgery and any other type of conduct considered an illegal act.
  • Any fraudulent use of the Website.


6. Intellectual and industrial property

The Website is protected by intellectual and industrial property rights. These include, but are not limited to, the content, graphic design, source code, logos, texts, graphics, illustrations, photographs and other elements that appear on the Website. For this reason, users recognise that the reproduction, distribution, marketing, transformation and in general, any form of exploitation, through any means, of all or part of the Website constitutes an infringement of the intellectual and industrial property rights of GRANDVALIRA RESORTS or the owner thereof, unless the user has obtained prior express authorisation.

Any use that is external to GRANDVALIRA RESORTS, including the reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, re-writing, editing or representation of any elements thereof is strictly forbidden without the express written consent of GRANDVALIRA RESORTS.

Users may not modify or use said intellectual and industrial property in such a way that the dissemination thereof implies any detriment to GRANDVALIRA RESORTS.

GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will claim for any damages arising from misuse of its intellectual and industrial property rights by third parties.

GRANDVALIRA RESORTS does not grant any licence or authorisation for use of any kind in relation to its intellectual and industrial property rights or in relation to any other right or property related to the Website, the services or the content.


7. Formalisation of the agreement and bookings 

7.1 Prices

The sales prices of the products and services marketed and offered by GRANDVALIRA RESORTS through the Website shall be governed by the prices and trading conditions established in the sales agreement and annexes signed with the Agency beforehand. 

The prices include the Indirect General Tax (IGI) applicable on the date of the Order according to the legislation in force. Any modification of the applicable rate shall be automatically reflected in the price of the products GRANDVALIRA RESORTS sells on the Website.

7.2 Booking procedure 

The Agency must follow the purchase and/or booking procedure through the purchasing platform of the Booking Centre of, during which various products/services can be selected and added to the basket or final purchase space. You can view the Sales Manual for tourism professionals here:,, or

7.3 Booking confirmation

Bookings are confirmed by GRANDVALIRA RESORTS by means of the sending of an email to the Agency. If you do not receive a confirmation email you can contact us via:

Through the B2B platform you can access the booking voucher/confirmation document which contains the essential elements of the contracted services and products, the price and the date on which the end customer will enjoy the service.

According to the contractual conditions, the established payment conditions must be met for the end Customer to use the contracted services.

The voucher/confirmation document can be considered a receipt and the end Customer should present it at the resort's ticket desks or in the reception of the accommodation or service contracted as proof of the payment made to be able to make use of the contracted services, together with the ID document/Passport of the person who made the booking. 

7.4 Obtaining of free or discounted passes

To obtain free passes or passes with the option of a discount on the price, proof of age must be provided consisting of an identification document (ID document or passport), regardless of where the pass will be collected. If the aforementioned requirement is not met, the end customer will have to pay the price of the Pass directly at one of the resort's ticket desks.


8. Invoicing and payment of products/services

The payment terms and conditions and payment method of the products and services acquired by the Agency through the Website shall be governed by the contracting Conditions stipulated beforehand between the parties. The established Conditions shall be valid throughout the period stipulated in the agreement.


9. Cancellation policy 

The Agency may modify or cancel bookings through the B2B platform. As indicated in the Sales Manual. If you have any questions, please contact the GRANDVALIRA RESORTS Booking Centre directly via:

If the Agency cancels the booking, there may be charges levied by the accommodation or service providers. Each service provider and each promotion has its own cancellation and/or modification policy, which is detailed in the description of the services at the time of purchase.

However, cancellations due to closed resorts will be processed in accordance with the special procedure established by GRANDVALIRA RESORTS

In the event of cancellation by the Agency, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will send an email to the Agency confirming the requested booking cancellation. 


10. Modification or cancellation of the service by GRANDVALIRA RESORTS or the SERVICE PROVIDER

In the event of the impossibility of providing the contracted service, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS may seek an alternative for the Customer where possible and conditions permitting. If it is not possible to offer any alternative to the service initially contracted or if the end Customer does not accept the alternative offered, the agreement shall be understood to have been cancelled and GRANDVALIRA RESORTS shall proceed to issue the corresponding voucher for the pass product, in application of art. 31 of the law on ski resorts and cable car transport installations, and a voucher or refund of the amount paid by the customer for any other services contracted directly with GRANDVALIRA RESORTS not specified in the aforementioned law.

In the event of the overbooking of the contracted accommodation, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS reserves the right to offer the Customer accommodation of the same or a higher category than that contracted, as close as possible to the accommodation where the booking was made, whenever possible and conditions permitting. If GRANDVALIRA RESORTS is unable to offer an alternative to the Customer or if the consumer and user does not accept the proposed change, the contract will be cancelled and GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will refund the amount paid by the Customer. 


11. Complaints and Claims 

GRANDVALIRA RESORTS has official complaint forms available to consumers and users which can be requested from GRANDVALIRA RESORTS at any time using the contact details provided at the beginning of these Terms and Conditions (General Contact Details) or by using the contact form for:





12. Travel insurance

GRANDVALIRA RESORTS recommends that the Agency inform the end Customer regarding the importance of taking out appropriate travel insurance before arriving to the resort. The end Customer is responsible for verifying that their insurance offers adequate coverage.


13. Ski insurance

GRANDVALIRA RESORTS recommends that the Agency inform the end Customer regarding the importance of taking out appropriate ski insurance before arriving to the resort. GRANDVALIRA RESORTS offers any of its Customers without ski insurance the option of taking out ski insurance that solely and exclusively covers personal damage and damage to third parties caused by the practice of skiing and some of the adventure activities it offers, provided they take place within the domain’s resorts. Ski insurance may be purchased as an additional service through the website or directly at the resort's ticket desks upon presentation of the pass before using any of the resort's ski lifts.


14. Liability and Security of transactions

GRANDVALIRA RESORTS guarantees the correct application of the security and control measures in relation to the processing of the personal data provided and which is necessary to carry out online transactions. The sole purpose of the use of the Agency's username and/or password is to verify its identity and this is also required to validate the order. Communication of the card number and definitive validation of the order shall serve as proof of acceptance of the Order in question and the enforceability of payment of the amounts committed for the reservation of the products making up the Order. The computer records kept in the IT systems of GRANDVALIRA RESORTS and its associates shall be considered proof of the communications, order and payments made between the parties.

Specifically, the Agency is responsible for maintaining the security of its online transactions and/or its password. Therefore, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS does not under any circumstances accept any liability for fraudulent use of this data.


15. Customer Service/Mediation services 

For any additional information, query in relation to the status of a Booking or compliant in relation to your order, please contact the GRANDVALIRA RESORTS Customer Service team through one of the following channels:

Contact telephone number: +376 891 800

16. Liability

16.1 Limitation of liability

Unless stipulated to the contrary by law, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS accepts no responsibility for the following loss, regardless of the cause:

  • any loss not attributable to non-compliance on its part;  
  • business losses (including loss of earnings, income, contracts, foreseen savings or goodwill or the incurring of unnecessary expenses); 
  • any other indirect loss not reasonably foreseeable by both parties at the time of signing the service agreement between them. 

Likewise, GRANDVALIRARESORTS also limits its responsibility in relation to the following situations: 

  • GRANDVALIRA RESORTS applies all appropriate measures to provide a faithful view of the information on the Services offered through the Website, but accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies in the information offered by the Service Providers.            
  • Technical errors due to fortuitous events or events of another nature that prevent the normal functioning of the service over the internet. Lack of availability of the Website due to maintenance or for other reasons, rendering the service unavailable. GRANDVALIRA RESORTS makes all the necessary means available for you to carry out the purchase, payment and delivery process of the products, however, it accepts no responsibility for causes that are not attributable thereto, fortuitous events or other more significant events.
  • GRANDVALIRA RESORTS accepts no responsibility for damages arising from misuse of the Website, nor for any fraudulent action carried out based on the information provided thereby.
  • GRANDVALIRA RESORTS accepts no liability for possible security errors or interruptions in the connection that may take place nor for possible damages that may arise in the computer system of the user (hardware and software), files or documents stored therein as a result of the presence of viruses on the user's computer used to connect to the Website, or for any malfunctioning of the browser or use of out-of-date versions thereof.
  • GRANDVALIRA RESORTS accepts no responsibility for failure on the part of the Agency or end Customer to communicate any allergy or food intolerance the end Customer may suffer from. Said responsibility lies solely and exclusively with the Customer, or if applicable, the restaurant establishment.

In general, GRANDVALIRARESORTS accepts no responsibility for any non-compliance or delay in the fulfilment of any of the obligations taken on, nor for any change, cancellation or modification of the booking made, nor any loss or damage caused by non-compliance, on the part of those responsible for providing the service, with the obligations in relation to the Customer, when this is due to events that are out of its reasonable control, i.e., due to causes of force majeure, which may include but are not limited to the following:

  • Strikes, lockouts and other protest measures.
  • Civil unrest, revolt, invasion, terrorist attacks or the threat of such, state of alarm, war (declared or otherwise) or the threat of or preparations for war.
  • Fire, explosion, storm, flooding, earthquake, subsiding, epidemic or any other natural disaster.          
  • The impossibility of using trains, boats, planes, motor transport or other means of transport, whether public or private.                  
  • The impossibility of using public or private telecommunications systems.                       
  • Acts, decrees, legislation, regulations or restrictions of any government or public authority. 

Therefore, in such cases, the Agency may not claim any compensation from GRANDVALIRA RESORTS for failure to provide the service acquired, nor shall it be exempt from paying for such.


17. Liability and limitation of liability due to links to other websites

In order to help users search for information or services of interest, the Website of GRANDVALIRA RESORTS may include hyperlinks to other websites that do not belong to it and are not controlled thereby. GRANDVALIRA RESORTS does not control the content, legal conditions, privacy policies or practices of third party websites, nor does it accept any responsibility therefor. 

Users recognise and accept that said access to other websites does not imply that GRANDVALIRA RESORTS recommends and approves the content thereof, and that GRANDVALIRA RESORTS shall not be liable for any damages the user may suffer as a result of the availability of said websites, or as a result of the credibility it affords them in terms of the completeness, accuracy or existence of any information offered through said websites.

GRANDVALIRA RESORTS shall remove any links that lead to illegal activities or any that are detrimental to third party rights or property from the Website or prevent access thereto, provided this has been declared to be the case by a competent body, as established in the legislation in force.


18. Advertising

The Website may host advertising content. The advertisers are solely responsible for ensuring that the material sent for inclusion in the Website complies with the applicable laws in each case. GRANDVALIRA RESORTS shall not be liable for any error, inaccuracy or irregularity any advertising or sponsor content may contain.


19. Personal data protection 

GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will process all information entered on the Website by the Agency in accordance with Law 29/2021, of 28 October, on Personal Data Protection and the General Data Protection Regulation, EU 2016/679.

In order to guarantee the correct fulfilment of the contracted services, we inform you that GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will share your personal data with the Service Provider that offers the contracted service. Likewise, GRANDVALIRA RESORTS will access and check the documentation provided for the purpose of applying the corresponding discounts or free items.

The Agency shall be responsible for the accuracy of the data entered, as well as for all pertinent and necessary supporting documentation for the sale of the requested products/services. 

GRANDVALIRA RESORTS accepts no type of responsibility for any inaccuracy of the data entered by the Agency. 

You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure, opposition and, if applicable, portability and limited processing by sending an email to For additional, detailed information on data protection, please visit our official website about data protection.


20. Miscellaneous

20.1 Partial invalidity

If one or several provisions of these “GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE FOR PROFESSIONALS” should come to be considered invalid or declared invalid by application of any law or regulation or as a result of the definitive ruling of a competent authority, the other clauses shall retain their full validity and scope.

a. Exclusion of waiver

Should either of the parties fail to exercise their rights in the event of non-compliance of the other party with any of the obligations imposed in these “GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE FOR PROFESSIONALS”, this may not be interpreted as a waiver of said rights in the event of future non-compliance with the obligation in question.

b. Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

These general conditions are governed by the legislation of the Principality of Andorra. For the resolution of any conflicts, the parties freely submit themselves to the courts and tribunals corresponding to the address of the user, or if applicable, that of the fulfilment of the obligation, waiving any other jurisdiction that might correspond to them.

20.2 Validity

These “GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE FOR PROFESSIONALS” shall remain valid until the end of the agreement between the parties and the extinction of all the obligations taken on by each of them. These Conditions may be modified, for which reason the Agency is responsible for checking them periodically and in particular, before placing an order as the Conditions that are valid at that time will be those that apply thereto.

Conditions last reviewed: June 2024